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                              Additional Resources and Support

     Bereaved Parents of the USA (BP/USA) is a national non-profit self-help group that offers support, understanding, compassion and hope especially to the newly bereaved be they bereaved parents grandparents or siblings struggling to rebuild their lives after the death of their children, grandchildren or siblings.


     BP/USA is open to all parents, grandparents and siblings regardless of the age or the circumstances of the death of their children, grandchildren or siblings.

There are no dues or fees to become a member of BP/USA and there are no paid salaries within the organization. All work on both the national and chapter level is done by volunteer bereaved parents with a strong desire to help other families survive the death of their children just as they were helped when their own children died.

Holding Out the Light of Hope And the Hand of Friendship to Grieving Parents & Their Family


     HEALING HEARTS for Bereaved Parents is dedicated to providing grief support and services to parents who are suffering as the result of the death of their child or children. The volunteers at HEALING HEARTS are here to help. We have known the pain that the death of a child brings. We have struggled with and worked on our grief and finally have made peace with that sorrow



      Our purpose is to offer understanding, suggestions for coping, support, friendship, and most of all hope to all parents who are struggling with grief. Parents whose child has died as a result of miscarriage or stillbirth are equally welcome as those whose children have died as a result of an illness, an accident, a suicide, a drug overdose or violence.

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