Healing Hand Hope Through Child Loss and Grief
Expert Resources and Information

Grief Specialist, Life Coach/Mentor and Author
Grief Speaialist, Jenetta Barry, consults internationally to world leading corporations, delevering inspirational speeches and facilitating life-shifting events.
Subsequent to being diagnosed with Uterine Cancer, she expanded her studies by further questioning and researching standard methods of motivation. This shifted her focus to creating self-mastery techniques which in more recent years. brought her to train and work with Dr. John Demartini.
It. was also after the death of her 16-year old daughter to suicide, that Jenetta dedicated her life to healing her life test.
Jenetta has been a regular featured guest on M-Net TV and is a published author in the bestselling ThankGodI series. She is also featured alongside ThankGodI CEO, John Castagnini, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Dr. John Demartini and Dr. Alveda King.
Jenetta is author of “A Handful of Keys for Grief Relief” and “Full-Circle Rainbow” – a book about the love that continues to live on between mother and deceased daughter.
To personally contact Jenetta to either chat or spend some time with her –
Call +254 716 144 109 Or email her at Jenetta@jenettabarry.com FB – The Grief Coach
I have been very blessed and fortunate to have Jenetta Barry in my life as a "Mentor" and very dear friend. I would like to take this opportunity to share my testimony, and what Jenetta has done for me
Jenetta has brought to me understanding with “empowerment”, to begin and control the aspects of my life. She has been very supportive and inspirational in the most special ways.
The Invocation that she has given me, I will carry for the rest of my life.
We worked together on one level of my grief that I didn’t realize I was harboring. I had been carrying this baggage with me for over 4 years. It was “guilt.” In recognizing that I was living with the guilt, of not feeling guilty; for having lost my son to death. This was the major breakthrough that I needed, in order to cross my Journey and enter further into the realm of healing. While I was not feeling guilt at all, from the relationship that I shared with my son. We always worked things out. So, I had no guilt in my relationship with Kyle after he died.. I was however carrying this burden of “Guilt for NOT Feeling Guilty.”
When I realized this … It felt as thought I had a ton of useless bricks lifted off of my shoulders. It was very intense, emotional and cathartic for me. I had not realized what I was carrying inside of me for all these years!! It was simply amazing.
This has been a life changing event for me. I now know who I am .. what I want from life and a better sense of direction. As I embark on all of my new adventures I owe all of this to Jenetta.
Janetta unlocked the deepest, and most seeded pain that I carried. I am now an Advocate and Grief Coordinator, and work in establishing Grief Awareness. I have formed and facilitate Groups in order to reach out to more Grieving parents, and work with them through their grieving process. I'm currently working with "The Compassionate Friends in establishing a local post in my community. I'm also currently working on my first book. In order to futher expand my ourtreach to the bereaved.With this new life and person that I have brought together, with a purpose and meaning, None of this would be possible without my friend, and “Mentor” Jenetta Barry.